Whether TikTok sent you searching for more details or you’re here after going down a rabbit hole of NSFW , odds are you’re wondering WTF a rainbow kiss is. While sure, it sounds like a worthy moment between , that’s not what’s happening. Like, at all.

According to staff sexologist at , , a rainbow kiss is a variation of where (consenting, adult) partners simultaneously (while one is menstruating) and then—you guessed it!—kiss. Said smooch mixes blood and semen in their mouths, hence the term. If this sounds a lot like the classic , you’re not wrong.

In fact, Atlanta-based sex educator and founder of , , says a rainbow kiss likely evolved from oral-based . “You’ve heard the term ‘running the red light?’” she asks, referring to penetrative or oral sex performed while a . “This is a level up from that.

” Even though it might not be The Most Mainstream Sex Act Around, Hall says it’s a popular sexual activity people with various and fetishes can enjoy (more on this later!). Before judging rainbow kisses (or folks who are into the idea), sex educator says destigmatizing sexual preferences is essential for promoting acceptance, understanding, and safety within diverse sexual communities. “By challenging societal taboos and misconceptions surrounding kink, individuals can feel more empowered to explore their desires safely, , and engage in consensual and fulfilling sexual experiences without fear of judgment or discrimination,” she says.

So this is a .