Social media has become a haven for people looking to participate in the latest online trends, but the health warnings against some of them are often ignored until it’s too late. Social media challenges can range from bizarre , hilarious , to downright dangerous – it seems there’s no limit to what some people will do for likes. Take the “gallon challenge”, for instance.

Social media influencers encouraged their followers to consume a gallon (3.78 litres) of milk in 60 minutes without vomiting. Maybe this doesn’t sound too horrifying – until you consider that the capacity of the average human stomach is about 1.

5 litres. Research has shown that 250ml of milk takes just over an hour to leave the stomach. So, the gallon challenge is likely to result in one of two outcomes.

Either, the challenger will be plagued by nausea, pain, bloating, and diarrhoea as the body tries to help the stomach deal with being too full..