It was a rare thing this dreadful summer – a warm summer day. Not too warm, mind, or humid, which seems to have been the pattern this year whenever the clouds have momentarily lifted. The sort of classically English summer’s day which demanded that lunch be taken in the sun.

We headed to Helmsley which, of course, is pretty on the grimmest of days. In the sunshine its honeyed and handsome market place was looking its best. There was even a place to park.

Our plan was to eat al fresco at the Italian La Trattoria, which had been highly recommended. It did have a few outside tables, but only one was in the sun and occupied by a couple who knew they had the best spot in town and were seemingly determined to make their coffees last until sundown. On the other side of the market place is The Feathers which also has some outside seating but it’s right beside the busy A170 road and we didn’t fancy a chemical cocktail with our lunch.

Which left The Black Swan on the northern side of the market place where I could recall having a drink seated outside in the past. So we sauntered over ..

. to find no outside seating and a big sign saying "Beer Garden" at the rear. You might think that would be the answer to our prayers but I almost always dread the prospect of a beer garden.

So often they are neglected bits of scrubland populated by tatty bench seating, overflowing cigarette butt buckets and smokers busily filling them. I thought I’d check it out first and made my way through t.