Summary Cessna is a prominent general aviation & private aircraft manufacturer founded in 1927. Produced various popular turboprop & private jets, including the Caravan & Citation lines. Attempted to enter military trainer industry in 1990s with Cessna 526 CitationJet but did not win the JPATS contract.

Cessna is perhaps the world's most notable general aviation and private aviation aircraft manufacturer. The company was first founded in 1927 by Clyde Cessna in Enid, Oklahoma. The company was able to persevere through the Great Depression before catching stride in the military aviation industry during World War II.

It also found footing as a prominent aircraft manufacturer in the general aviation boom that occurred after the war ended. This has led to the development of some of the most popular aircraft in the world, including the Cessna 172 Skyhawk, the Cessna 182 Skylane, and the Cessna 206 Stationair. Cessna was founded in 1927.

Beyond the company's successful general aviation lines, Cessna is also responsible for producing some popular turboprop aircraft. This includes the Cessna Caravan and the more recently certified Cessna SkyCourier. Both of these were introduced as regional cargo carriers for FedEx, although their uses have expanded beyond that as turboprop utility aircraft.

Some of the versatile aircraft's uses include passenger transport and medical evac, and some operators even utilize the Cessna Caravan as a float plane after installing floats instead of landing .