Malayalam actress Manju Warrier is set to share the silver screen with superstar Rajinikanth in the upcoming Vettaiyan. At the recent audio launch event of the film, the actress took to the stage to share how grateful she is for the opportunity to work with the superstar. The audio launch event took place in Chennai, at the Nehru Indoor Stadium.

The event was attended by the lead cast of the release, which included the superstar himself. According to more reports, a preview of the film was also screened, giving a glimpse to the theme of the film. At the ceremony, Manju Warrier, who is portraying an important role in the film, thanked the director, T J Gnanavel for the opportunity to work in the project.

She reportedly stated, “The reason I am standing on this stage is because of two films I have acted in Tamil before. One is Asuran and the other is Thunivu and now it is Vettaiyan.” Talking about the superstar, Manju Warrier added that she was inspired by the actor after seeing him in person.

According to her, she would never forget what he advised her. He had reportedly told her, “Whatever you think and plan in life, whatever is meant to happen will happen.” She shared how she is still in disbelief of working with Rajinikanth.

The actress concluded with the statement, “It was my privilege to act with such a stellar cast. My desire is to act in films that people like.” Vettaiyan is being made under the direction of TJ Gnanavel while B Kiruthika has penned the scree.