Today few people in Newport City Centre knew who the next First Minister was, but they did have a clear message for her – the high street needs to be brought back to life. On August 6, it was officially confirmed Eluned Morgan, the former health minister, will be the first female First Minister of Wales. But if you were shown a photograph of the next First Minister, would you recognize her? We walked around Newport City Centre and showed people a photograph of the next First Minister.

Jess, of Abertillery, was the only person to get close to identifying the next Welsh leader. Although she didn’t know her name, she recognized her as the minister for health and social care and that she was the next First Minster. “I don’t have time for Labour, but she can’t do a worse job than the men have been doing.

Hopefully, she will see it from a women’s point of view.” Many people I spoke to expressed that they ‘don’t really follow politics’ and ‘don’t know much about it'. So, I asked, the following question: “If you had the chance to sit down with the new First Minister, perhaps over a cup of tea, what would you ask her do to improve your life and your community?’ All the people I spoke to said the same thing - the new First Minister needs to bring the high street back to life.

Leon Brond, 72, who moved to the city in the 1970s, said: “It was beautiful here, I came back because I missed Newport. It is not the market I remember, not like in the old days. “I.