Those who have followed .'s career will know she's made a name for being staunchly anti-establishment. From team ups with Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, to battles surrounding censorship of her music videos, the -based musician is the antithesis of conformity, a vocal advocate of free-speech and an opponent of the clandestine forces which seek to eliminate it.

The "Paper Planes" songstress is the first person of Asian descent to be nominated for an and award in the same year. Her six studio albums investigate information politics in the digital age with the 2013 track "The Message" infamously stating: "Connected to Google, connected to the government." In the 11 years since, as the world of technology, censorship, surveillance capitalism and human-machine hybrids have vastly transformed, M.

I.A. has never faltered in her pursuit of autonomy and amplifying the "Third World Democracy.

" Now, the artist is ready to extrapolate her message onto a new canvas: . The brand, released in June of this year, is the artist's solution to eliminate what she deems to be the intrusive technological tapestry in our everyday lives. The clothing is made with copper and nickel Faraday fabric which is intended to deflect electromagnetic waves.

The collection, consisting of shirts, jackets, hats, bags and boxers, claims to provide coverage against 5G, wi-fi and bluetooth. While 5G's negative effects on the body have been debunked by the and privacy against big-brother tech is also top of .