Emirates never had the world's first commercial Airbus A380 , as Singapore Airlines was the launch customer . However, Emirates does have many of the oldest (as well as the newest) examples. The A380 is not an old aircraft, so the oldest example is not 'old' by the standards of many airliners.
From the manufacture date, the oldest Emirates A380 is less than 20 years old, while many airlines have aircraft in their 30s or even 40s. Here is what to know about Emirates' oldest Airbus A380 'superjumbos,' both stored and in service and measured by both first flight and delivery date. Emirates' five oldest Airbus A380s According to Planespotters.
net , the five oldest Emirates A380s were delivered in 2009 and 2010. Of these, only one is currently active, with the other four being parked at Dubai International Airport or Al Maktoum International Airport (aka Dubai World Central). Five oldest Emirates A380s: Date delivered: Age: Remark: A6-EDF December 2009 19.
1 years Parked A6-EDI May 2010 15.6 years Parked A6-EDJ June 2010 18.5 years Parked A6-EDK July 2010 15.
2 years Active A6-EDL August 2010 15.1 years Parked Oldest Emirates Airbus A380s remaining in inventory According to Planespotters.net, A6-EDF is the oldest A380 in the Emirates fleet and has not been active since it was withdrawn at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
It was stored at Dubai World Central between March 2020 and December 2023. Since December 2023, the aircraft has been stored at Dubai International Airport. This.