On TikTok, workout tips abound — some credible, some dubious. And recently, you may have been hearing about something called sprint training, which falls somewhere between 12-3-20 treadmill workouts and zone 2 training on the FitTok virality scale. Creators are posting their personal sprint interval workouts and experiences training like an athlete.

They're going so far as calling sprints a workout "cheat code," promising results that include transforming your glutes and improving heart health. Even celebs like Chris Hemsworth have jumped on board, swapping heavy weightlifting for more functional workouts and, yes, sprints. But what does sprint training involve, anyway? And can it possibly provide all the benefits that TikTok claims? Here, a certified run coach breaks down the workout style, its perks, and how to try it yourself.

Mireille Siné , MPH, is a USATF Level 1 running coach and the founder of Coached by Mireille . What Is Sprint Interval Training? Put simply, sprint interval training is a type of running workout that involves alternating between high-intensity sprints and periods of active recovery (think: walking or easy jogging), says Mireille Siné, MPH, a USATF Level 1 running coach and the founder of Coached by Mireille . Your sprints and recovery intervals could be a specific distance (e.

g., 200 meters, 0.1 miles) or amount of time (say, one minute), she explains.

And the work-to-recovery ratio all depends on your fitness levels: beginners are typically be.