Mitochondria are tiny structures in cells that convert the food we eat into the energy our cells need to function. Mitochondrial disease (or mito for short) is a group of conditions that affect this ability to generate the energy organs require to work properly. There are many different forms of mito and depending on the form, it can disrupt one or more organs and can cause organ failure.

There is no cure for mito. But an IVF procedure called mitochondrial donation now offers hope to families affected by some forms of mito that they can have genetically related children free from mito. After a law to allow mitochondrial donation in Australia was passed in 2022, scientists are now preparing for a clinical trial to see if mitochondrial donation is safe and works.

What is Mitochondrial disease? There are two types of mitochondrial disease . One is caused by faulty genes in the nuclear DNA, the DNA we inherit from both our parents and which makes us who we are. The other is caused by faulty genes in the mitochondria’s own DNA.

Mito caused by faulty mitochondrial DNA is passed down through the mother. However, the risk of disease is unpredictable, so a mother who is only mildly affected can have a child who develops serious disease symptoms. Mitochondrial disease is the most common inherited metabolic condition affecting one in 5,000 people .

Some people have mild symptoms that progress slowly, while others have severe symptoms that progress rapidly. Mito can affect any organ, b.