Meet the hair botox treatment—no, we aren't talking about a new injectable. But you know that tried-and-true actual Botox, which promises a pause on the formation of fine lines via neuromodulation, lending to smooth, luminous skin? There's now a treatment that will give you smooth, silky, luminous hair, thus the treatment's catchy name. “'Hair botox' is a term used to describe a hair treatment that aims to rejuvenate and restore the health and appearance of the hair," explains NHS dermatologist Dr.

Kemi Fabusiwa . And no, it has nothing to do with actual Botox. “The treatment started in Brazil,” says celebrity hairstylist Dimitris Giannetos , whose clients include Amal Clooney Gigi Hadid, and Joey King.

“It's a fantastic treatment for anybody with frizzy or textured hair, but it also works for Caucasian hair because it boosts the natural protein in the hair, adding strength.” While the concept of hair botox may sound too buzzy too be true, but the process is actually a fairly accessible means of achieving hydrated, glossy, luscious hair via an intentional cocktail of hair-enhancing ingredients—no injections required. What Is Hair Botox? #Hairbotox has long been racking up views on TikTok, thanks largely to the clickbait-y misnomer itself.

“It's a marketing term, and not a medical procedure involving the use of botulinum toxin,” explains Fabusiwa, adding that a more fitting definition would be “a deep conditioning treatment that can help to replenish lost m.