In a world of mouth taping for better sleep, Sleepy Girl Mocktails and the Scandinavian Sleep Method , the basics of an ideal sleep environment can go ignored. One of the prime things affecting sleep is temperature. According to global research company Gallup, a majority of U.

S. adults (57%) report at least occasionally being too hot while sleeping, compared with 37% who report being too cold. This year's best mattresses for all sleepers provide a host of benefits, especially if you're suffering with night sweats or chills.

Smart mattresses are increasing in popularity thanks to their ability to improve sleep quality through integrated technology — and one of their chief benefits is temperature regulation. If you have the budget, temperature controlled mattresses take sleep climate a step further, regulating your body temperature while you get in that all-important shut eye. Here, we'll look at what this means, how they work, and the best options out there.

What is a mattress with temperature control? As the season changes, we're entering the time of year where we tend to layer up at bedtime, only to wake in the middle of the night sweating. If you’re all too familiar with this situation, it may be worth investing in a mattress with temperature control. A mattress with temperature control is essentially what its name suggests: a mattress that can control its own, and as a result your, temperature either through integrated technology or naturally cooler materials.

While co.