Welcome back to What I Own – Metro’s property series where we speak to homeowners about getting on the ladder. For last week’s sister column, What I Rent, we visited 2022 Great British Bake Off finalist Sandro Farmhouse’s flat in Stratford, East London , which has more ovens than bedrooms. This week, we’re in Tooting, South London, having a nosy around Anna and Paul Moynihan’s £590,000 three-bedroom home.

Since buying it five years ago, they’ve transformed it into a family space to share with their two young children – and have found a strong local community in the process. Here’s what Anna had to say about their property journey..

. Tell us about yourself! I’m Anna Moynihan, and together with my husband Paul, I’m a co-founder of TaskHer , an online platform that connects homeowners with tradeswomen in a few clicks. The idea for it came to me while organising renovation work at our house.

Every time I booked a tradesperson for a job or a quote, I found that they would instinctively speak to my husband Paul about what needed to be done, despite the fact that I had made the booking! This gender bias led us to realise how underrepresented women are in the trades – which are 96% male in the UK. Whereabouts is your property? What do you think of the area? We are based in Tooting, South West London. We love the local area – it’s diverse and friendly.

We have a strong network of friends and also work in a co-working space about ten minutes from our house..