What Happened to Kyle Busch? NASCAR Injury Update By Many fans are understandably concerned about and the latest updates on his recent . As a well-known figure in the racing world, Busch’s health and ability to compete are important to his supporters. His injury has sparked worry and raised questions about when he will be able to return to the track.

What happened to Kyle Busch, and how is his recovery progressing? Get the full Kyle Busch injury update, including key details and the latest developments, here. What injury is Kyle Busch suffering from? Kyle Busch is currently suffering from a sprained left wrist, which he injured during a crash at the Brickyard 400 at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Kyle Busch injured his wrist when his car spun out and hit the outside wall during the race.

Although he has a sprained wrist, he fortunately has no broken bones and has received clearance to continue racing. Is Kyle Busch still competing in motorsport racing? Yes, Kyle Busch is still competing in motorsport racing, but his participation is thanks in large part to a timely break in the NASCAR schedule. According to , Busch admitted that “without two weeks off, I would not have been able to race.

” The two-week break for the Olympics provided him the necessary time to recover from the wrist injury he sustained during the Brickyard 400. If not for this break, Busch may have been forced to miss a NASCAR Cup Series race. The injury happened while battling Denny Hamlin for position in .