What Happened to Esta TerBlanche? All My Children Actress Passes Away By Recent reports have confirmed the passing of , a celebrated actress best known for her role in All My Children. Her impressive talent and memorable performances earned her a special place in the hearts of many fans. As the news of her death emerges, there is a growing sense of concern and curiosity among her admirers about the details surrounding her death.

Here is everything to know about the passing of Esta TerBlanche. Esta TerBlanche passes away at 51, claims report Esta TerBlanche, the acclaimed South African actress renowned for her role in All My Children, passed away on Thursday in Los Angeles at the age of 51. Lisa Rodrigo, her publicist, confirmed the news.

She added that an autopsy report from the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner is still pending. TerBlanche is survived by her former husband and her goddaughter, Barbie Ashley. Rodrigo announced her client’s passing on Facebook.

According to , she wrote, “I can not believe I am posting this. It’s with a heavy heart that my friend and client Esta TerBlanche passed away Thursday of natural causes. An autopsy report is pending.

I am still processing and in shock. Esta was a beautiful soul in and out. I was proud to know her and work with her.

More to come in the days ahead. Thank you for the messages so far. If I haven’t gotten to you, I will soon.

” Esta TerBlanche began her career at a young age, first gaining recognition as the host .