The world of video games abounds with acronyms that can be inscrutable to all but the most dedicated players. You might need to know the TTK (time to kill) of a boss in an MMO (massively multiplayer online game), or how much DPS (damage per second) a particular weapon can output in a PVP (player versus player) FPS (first-person shooter). Things get even more confusing when the acronym in question has multiple, context-dependent meanings, which probably explains why so many people seem to get tripped up by one acronym in particular: VC.

You may have heard VC used in multiple contexts, and you can't quite figure out what it means. Some people seem to be talking about communicating with teammates when they use it, while others appear to be talking about some kind of money. So, what does VC mean? Vitamin C? Verbal communication? Video-game connoisseur? In the context of video games, there is a range of context-dependent meanings for this acronym.

In the world of gaming, VC most often means one of the following: voice chat, virtual currency, virtual console, or venture capital. So, without further ado, let's break down what each of those terms means, so you can understand how it's being used when you encounter it in different contexts. Among the most common uses of the acronym VC in the context of video gaming is in reference to voice chat , which is a system in a video game that allows players to speak with one another one-on-one or in a group using a microphone.

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