The color of your discharge can say a lot about your health. In most cases, healthy discharge is clear , off-white, or slightly yellow , with varying consistencies. But what happens when that familiar hue starts to shift? In some cases, as with pink discharge , you likely don't need to worry, with causes ranging from hormonal changes to a recent period.

However, colors like red discharge , could be a little more concerning, with causes like vaginal infection, polyps, and uterine fibroids. Given the wide range, it's worth asking: What does orange discharge mean, and should you be concerned if it pays you a visit? "Orange discharge is not typically normal," says Renita F. White, MD.

"Though it may not be a reason to be alarmed, it is best to get evaluated by a healthcare professional to see what may be going on." To find out more, we asked about some of the most common causes of orange discharge, as well as potential treatment options, and when to consider seeking medical attention. Read on to learn why orange discharge happens, and what it might be trying to tell you, according to an ob-gyn.

Renita F. White , MD, is a board-certified ob-gyn, women's health advocate, and member of The Honey Pot's Pulse Panel. What Causes Orange Discharge? Orange discharge isn't necessarily something you should ignore, but it's not always a reason to panic either.

Some of the most common causes, according to Dr. White, include: How to Treat Orange Discharge Treatment for orange discharge will ul.