Friday, August 2, 2024 In the early hours of Friday, a devastating fire broke out in a building located in Manila’s Chinatown, specifically in the Binondo district. According to the city’s fire bureau, the blaze resulted in the tragic loss of 11 lives. The fire crews, utilizing 14 fire trucks, battled the inferno for two hours before finally bringing it under control.

Firefighters and rescue personnel worked tirelessly to control the blaze and search for survivors. Unfortunately, after extinguishing the fire, the bodies of 11 victims were discovered inside the five-storey mixed-use building. The fire bureau’s initial report confirmed these casualties but did not provide information on the identities of the victims or the cause of the fire.

By noon, the aftermath of the tragedy was evident on the streets. Mortuary vehicles were stationed outside the building, ready to transport the victims’ bodies. Onlookers witnessed the somber activity as authorities prepared to take the bodies away for further identification and investigation.

The building affected by the fire had a dual purpose. The ground level was used for commercial purposes, housing various shops, while the upper floors contained residential units. This mixed-use nature of the building likely contributed to the difficulty in controlling the fire and ensuring the safety of the occupants.

At the time of the initial report, several critical details remained unknown. The exact cause of the fire had not been determi.