Good Saturday, friends! It's finally hitting Autumn, isn't that lovely? The leaves are doing that cool visual glitch where they look nice for once. All pretty and crunchy and satisfying. It's just a shame it only lasts a week or two before turning into mulch on the pavement.

Reminds me of a Regina Spektor lyric: "Leaves become most beautiful when they're about to die". And now, inevitably whatever I write below this will be a lie, because I'll actually spend my weekend listening to old Regina Spektor songs, because she's just the best. But for now at least, let's keep up the pretense that we're not all lying through our teeth every weekend with these posts.

Here's what we're all (allegedly) clicking on this weekend! Brendy I'm not playing anything. Why should I! What have video games ever done for me? Pah. Don't make me laugh.

I'll never play another game as long as I live. Or until Monday. Ed This weekend it is.


a secret game I can't mention. I will be mentioning something about it in however many weeks time. I'll just say that I'm immensely excited to be playing The Game.

It's a real Edders special. Edwin I'm probably going to skip games this weekend, but I might give PUNKCAKE Délicieux's Ecstatic a go. It's a "bullet-hell with a spider mech that freezes time and shoots rockets out of.

.. Ollie Toms.