Get a taste of New Zealand’s very best journalism and access all Herald Premium stories free for 24 hours. To give readers a sneak peek of the benefits of subscribing we’re bringing back some of our most popular Premium stories. This story was first published in April.
ADHD affects millions around the world but is still surrounded by misconceptions – here are the symptoms to look for. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition. It affects the way the brain functions.
Symptoms exist on a spectrum of severity ranging from mild to severe and affect millions of adults and children around the world. Dr Max Davie is the co-founder of ADHD UK, and a consultant paediatrician who specialises in ADHD. He also has the condition.
“People who have it talk a lot about restlessness; about being easily bored and finding boredom physically unpleasant, and sometimes unbearable. They talk about being under-stimulated and about their emotions feeling out of control.”.