Like it or not, ageing is a fact of life but one Doctor has warned that these surprising habits are actually speeding up the process. Small, seemingly insignificant habits could be adding years to our appearance without us even realising it. From our diet and how we sleep to our skin care and exercise routines, Dr Kate Jameson from Youth Lab has shared the common practices that are ageing us.

The Doctor has rounded up these 10 surprising habits as well as her top tips for avoiding them. "By becoming aware of these surprising habits and making simple changes, you can significantly slow down the aging process and maintain a youthful appearance," according to the expert. Dr Jameson continued: "Don’t let these sneaky age accelerators catch you off guard.

Start making positive changes today and watch the years melt away!" Dr Jameson has warned Brits that sleeping on your stomach or side can cause your face to scrunch against the pillow. When we do this, we can be left with permanent sleep lines and wrinkles. To counter this, the expert suggests trying to sleep on your back to keep your skin smooth and wrinkle-free.

The Doctor also suggests considering an in a silk pillowcase to reduce friction. UV rays penetrate clouds and cause skin damage every day so it's key that we never skip the sunscreen. To fix this, the Doctor recommends applying a broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen daily regardless of the weather.

"Your skin will thank you later!," according to Dr Jameson. One of the most.