Pune: A silent menace lurks within the walls of many homes in the city __ mould and dampness. Doctors are reporting an increase in cases of allergies, respiratory problems , and even sick building syndrome among residents. They often recognise patterns when patients from the same societies, and some workplaces, come to them with headaches, continuous sneezing, dizziness, nausea, and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and skin.

Notably, these individuals report feeling better when they leave the damp premises, further establishing the link between their symptoms and the mould-infested environments. Dr Nana Kunjir, consultant pulmonologist and intensivist at Sahyadri Super Speciality Hospital, Hadapsar, said the recent and continuous high rainfall in certain areas of Pune, damp walls and mould become prevalent issues in many homes. He said, “Citizens must take preventive action with regular and thorough cleaning of homes, ensuring that areas prone to dampness are dry.

Address any leakages promptly through waterproofing to prevent the formation of dampness in roofs, walls, and plumbing systems.” Mould can badly affect some patients, Kunjir said. "In some unfortunate cases, patients have been diagnosed with hypersensitivity pneumonitis, also called extrinsic allergic alveolitis.

It is a granulomatous lung disease that is the result of exposure and sensitisation to antigens inhaled with a variety of organic dust including mould spores." The consequences of exposure to mould.