An expanded network of trails, multiple parking areas and an enlarged farm stand space along Route 30 are elements of a preliminary master plan the Westmoreland Land Trust unveiled this week for its St. Xavier Nature Preserve in Unity. About 25 people turned out for a Wednesday afternoon gathering to view and comment on the plan, and more were expected for an evening session.

Richard Stoner, a photographer who lives near Pleasant Unity, was pleased to hear that the land trust intends to develop more trails, as long as they include signs to help orient those hiking at the 248-acre site of a former Catholic academy and convent. “It’s very convenient for recreation opportunities for walking and contemplation,” Stoner said of the preserve, which he’s explored with his wife, Eileen. “Just so you don’t get lost in the fields.

“Last fall, we took some preliminary walks, as much as we could without developed trails completed, and we enjoyed it. It’s wonderful to have these spaces where you can get away and slow down for a minute.” Landscape architect Richard Rauso, who is working with a land trust steering committee to develop the master site plan, said the preserve eventually could have a network of trails that would offer visitors walks of various lengths.

“They would wind through the property in a series of loops, depending on how ambitious you are,” he said. Executive Director Betsy Aiken said the land trust’s intent is to improve public access to the site.