Morristown West coach Alvin Sanders was wrapping up his postgame speech to his team on Friday evening following their scrimmage against William Blount when he heard a voice. “Coach, can I say a few words to the team?” That question came from senior linebacker Ian Carr, who spent the following five minutes telling his team everything they needed to work on and what it was going to take to be ready to go when game one rolls around next week. For Sanders, he said Carr’s speech was one of the only times during his coaching career he can remember a player stepping up to talk to the team following a game.

“He’s one of those guys that when he’s got something to say, everybody is going to listen,” Sanders said about Carr. “He’s going to lay it on the line. What he said was pure, it was from the heart, and it was what we needed to hear.

Every guy was looking at him, he had their attention. That’s leadership. Those kids don’t understand what that is going to do for our football team.

I’m excited for it and glad he’s on our side.” As far as Friday’s scrimmage went, it was an up-and-down affair for West. The Trojans had some big plays against the Governors but also struggled at times to move the ball.

Following two straight 3-and-outs from the West offense to start the game, they finally got one of those big plays as Issaiah Hayes broke loose for a 60-yard rush down close to the end zone. Camren Richards finished things off to give the Trojans their first to.