By Daniel Shin Daniel Shin There are no morals in politics. Morals apply to both actions and intentions as they concern the righteousness of their intent and act. Openness in the political processes and holding elected leaders accountable for their actions are essential for a morally sound political system.

Collectively, we, the general public, also have a moral threshold where we prioritize ethics over personal gain. Political ethics is the practice of making moral judgments about political actions and their agents. However, we’re missing them out here.

Moral judgment is often politically situational. People are more forgiving to themselves, but behave punitively and unethically toward their opponents. That's human nature.

Your sense of right and wrong influences your attitude toward politics. Every politician is a corrupt imbecile in some sense. Honesty and accountability by politicians have significantly deteriorated as our senses become less sharp.

Polarization is shaking societies across the world from newly established ones to long-lasting ones. To end paralysis from polarization and extreme political division, the political landscape needs restructuring and we need new actors. If politics in the past was a matter of parties, new political figures must bear new hopes for normativity on their independent capacity to obtain allegiance rather than on state recognition.

Entrepreneurs often want to get involved in politics, believing that they have what it takes to drive t.