SPOOKY season is upon us and it's the ideal time to get your witch on. The shops are full of frightfully fab fashion looks at the mo. 3 Our latest haul was from New Look 3 The dress flattered both our sizes But if you haven't picked the ideal outfit to wear this Halloween yet, we've brewed up the perfect look.

My work bestie Katy and I are on a mission to scour the supermarkets and high street stores to find the right outfits for every occasion - for every size. Both of us regularly turn up in the office in almost identical looks - whether floral mini dresses and chunky boots or matching overnight curls - with colleagues often ribbing us for being clothes clones. I'm a 44-year-old size 10 with a mum tum that I'm super self-conscious about.

READ MORE IN FABULOUS TIMES TU We're work besties & tested size 10 vs size 18 Sainsbury's buys in our autumn haul WEDDY TO GO We're sizes 10 & 18, we wore £40 wedding guest dress WRONG & it still looks fab Meanwhile Katy, 33, is a self confessed 'booby' size 18 with curves to die for. In a bid to offer up some size-inclusive inspiration for the over 30s, we're trying the same looks in our different sizes to see what works - and whether stores really offer something 'for every body '. While we were shooting our latest fall haul from high street favourite New Look we happened across a sure-fire chiffon dream dress that is superb for the spooky season.

This was the dress that made us want to try New Look on for size. It's got everything going.