, the inaugural winner of , has released a new album, . The star has been working hard at creating the hyper-pop album, which opens with a catchy and self-confident anthem, “I’m a Star,” that features the drag queen turned pop star telling the listener: “You are good enough / Now look in the mirror and say / I’m a star.” The eight-track album, released Friday, has been in the works for a long time.

“I’m so used to fast turnarounds and content is content that I didn’t expect for it to take this long,” Priyanka tells , noting it’s been two years since she released her EP . “I didn’t also expect to go through what I went through.” The singer says that looking back, she feels bad for herself and that’s “crazy to think about.

” However, she tries to remind herself not to throw a pity party. “It takes a very hurt person to write a song called ‘No New Friends,'” the singer says, referring to the album’s sixth track. “It takes a very hurt person to write a song called ‘Shut It Down,’ and it made me be like, ‘Huh, these have been a really tough few years since winning , since releasing my first record, doing all the things that I’ve done.

'” Priyanka jokes that she previously didn’t understand when artists would say things such as “this album is a page out of my diary” when songs would be about drinking or being in clubs. “Now I know what these artists are talking about,” the drag queen says. “There’s so much me in the .