Actor Ram Kapoor stunned his fans after he underwent a drastic 55 kg weight loss transformation and shared his photos on social media. Opening up on his fitness journey, Ram stated that he weighed 140 kg at his heaviest and doing even menial chores felt like a task at that time. The 51-year-old actor told ETimes that he did not undergo surgeries and procedures for losing the weight, but instead, opted for the 'old fashioned way' comprising of healthy diet and exercise.

Recalling the time when he struggled to do his everyday tasks, Ram said, "At my heaviest, I was 140 kg while working on Neeyat and Jubilee. Those roles suited my size, but I was unhealthy. I’d feel breathless after walking just 20 steps.

I was diabetic, had a foot injury and struggled even with basic movement." A post shared by Abundantia Entertainment (@abundantiaent) He added that it was then that he realised he had to get back in shape. "Over the last six months, I pushed myself to shed 55 kgs, bringing me down to 85 kgs.

The transformation is deeply personal," he said. Ram shared that he now feels like his "25-year-old self" again, and that he can walk for 12 hours now without stopping. "It’s a complete turnaround from where I was," he gushed.

A post shared by Ram Kapoor (@iamramkapoor) A few weeks ago, Ram took to his Instagram handle to drop a new photo of himself, flaunting his shocking weight loss transformation. The actor, who was missing from social media for almost three months, wrote, "Hi guys, .