Aries : This week, couples are required to focus on finance-related issues. The stars call for a free-flowing conversation regarding expenses and budgeting with your partner. There is no better time than now to discuss future financial plans.

These discussions, although they may be uncomfortable at times, can, in fact, help build your relationship. Discuss the topic and avoid getting angry because you may have different ways of handling money. Taurus : Throughout the week, the cosmos can challenge your partnership.

At first, there will be a feeling of alienation from the partner and tension in the air. There could be cases where one misunderstands the other, and this results in some heated arguments. However, don't lose heart.

These challenges are only for a certain period and have some reason behind them. By midweek, look forward to some warm words. Gemini : This week, communication with your partner will reveal your honesty and determination.

This aspect of your character will be well rewarded since your partner will appreciate your honesty in the relationship, and you will become closer. Singles, your genuine sense of humour will draw people for a date who are not in it for the looks but for the real thing. Anticipate to meet people with whom you could have a deep romantic connection.

Cancer : This week, you will enter a phase of happiness with your partner. If you’re in a relationship, brace yourself for a blessed seven days ahead. It gets rid of all the bad vibes that .