Your weekly horoscope is here . In the run-up to another Mercury retrograde, we’re deep in the pre-retro-shade segment called the setup. This setup scenario will revisit during the retrograde, then stand for correction during the final pass.

That could be in your communications or the thing that ‘once you see it, you can’t unsee it.’ Consciousness-raising through reflection and sharing our stories is vital for empowerment because we’re united when we stand together. And maybe that’s what this retrograde is about.

Chiron is the planet known as the wounded healer, currently in Aries and bringing up all manner of wounding around independence, assertiveness, and brilliant leading ladies. As it heads into its annual retrograde on Friday, this is a chance to review where you could take your foot off the brake, throw out the outdated playbook, and lead the charge. It’s Leo season: be bold, be determined, and most of all, be proud of what makes you, you! Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of July 28 through August 3, 2024.

Aries For the love of Aphrodite, it’s Leo season and your sphere of self-expression and romantic grand gestures is lit. Make the call, go on the date, say hi to that cute person you just locked eyes with. It’s summer, but you don’t have to sweat it; just remember—nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Spark joy in all of your favorite ways. Mercury is the planet of communications, currently.