Here is a guide to the week ahead for you. This is your forecast for August 12-18. This week, the cosmic placement makes you turn within and develop your personal life.

It is also a good time to pay attention to creating a positive living environment and reinforcing one’s emotional pillars. This week, go with your gut and listen to your inner guidance system. You may also feel more sensitive and reflective than usual, which is a great quality if properly utilised.

Spend time and think about yourself and what makes you feel safe. It is recommended that you make slight changes to the interior of your home that will improve your quality of life. For the job seekers, this week is good for networking by word of mouth.

Think about jobs where you can work from home or in the industries connected with real estate, interior design, or counselling. Look within This week, accept your passion for knowledge and your need to inquire. Your mind is particularly alert, so it is a good time to learn something new, discuss interesting issues and communicate with people.

Welcome to all the ideas that you come across in your day-to-day life. You may desire to read a book, write an article, or learn something new. This is when communication skills are developed and should be utilised in all aspects of life, personal and business.

Speak your mind and emotions assertively, but do not forget to pay attention to how you listen to others. For singles, this week should make you more outgoing and liber.