Wednesday's season 1 on Netflix has breathed new life into the beloved Addams Family franchise, offering a fresh take on the character of Wednesday Addams as she navigates a mysterious boarding school and solves a series of eerie mysteries. While season 1 had many captivating elements, including its unique setting and intriguing characters, there's one key relationship that deserves more exploration in season 2. This bond, which was more prominent in the original Addams Family films, has the potential to add depth and richness to the story, and fans are eagerly awaiting its development.

Wednesday season 2 should focus on developing the relationship between Wednesday and her mom, Morticia. This dynamic is a crucial part of the Addams Family franchise, but was underexplored in season 1. Morticia's influence on Wednesday's embracing of her darkness and individuality is a key aspect of their bond, and more scenes showcasing this would add depth to the story.

Additionally, flashbacks of younger Gomez and Morticia would be a welcome addition. Morticia Addams, played by Catherine Zeta-Jones, was underutilised in Wednesday season 1, making her a prime candidate for a bigger role in season 2. Despite her importance in the Addams Family franchise, she had limited screen time, with few scenes alongside her daughter Wednesday.

However, Zeta-Jones enjoyed her experience in season 1, and her character's relationship with Wednesday deserves more exploration in the next season. As per report.