Tuesday, August 27, 2024 WebRezPro, a cloud-based system for managing independent accommodations, is excited to announce a new collaboration with RoomPriceGenie, a celebrated revenue management software. This partnership delivers a combined solution that equips hoteliers with enhanced insights and automatic rate adjustments, boosting efficiency, reservations, and profitability. In the bustling hospitality industry, adopting dynamic pricing strategies is essential for staying competitive.

However, manually configuring rates can be time-consuming and requires a robust understanding of market dynamics, competitor actions, and specific demand for the property. RoomPriceGenie addresses these challenges by automatically gathering and analyzing data from the market and the property itself several times daily. It then uses this data to set the most effective room prices, even up to 18 months ahead.

Targeted at independent hotels, bed and breakfasts, inns, and vacation rentals, RoomPriceGenie’s technology helps these entities hold their ground against larger hotel chains, typically boosting revenues by 22% and cutting down 10 hours of manual labor per week. This partnership allows for direct integration with WebRezPro, ensuring that the two platforms communicate effectively. This integration not only improves the precision of forecasts but also facilitates the automatic updating of room rates within the property management system and across all linked distribution networks.
