Tuesday, August 20, 2024 When planning an overseas holiday, destinations like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Sierra Leone in West Africa are usually not at the top of the list for most travelers. In fact, the Australian government strongly advises against visiting the first two. However, a surprising trend is emerging among wealthy, well-traveled older individuals who are increasingly drawn to these high-risk areas.

David Smyth, a New South Wales travel agent, has noticed a “strange and unexpected” interest in these locations among his affluent clients. Smyth’s company, Forward Travel, has long specialized in creating tailor-made itineraries to unique and off-the-beaten-path destinations. While the company has previously offered trips to remote areas like Patagonia and the polar regions, it only began including Afghanistan, Iraq, and West Africa about a year ago.

The decision to expand into these regions came after Smyth observed a growing trend of tourists sharing their experiences in these countries on social media. Intrigued, he attended the ITB travel trade show in Berlin, where he met with representatives from these nations and was eventually invited to explore Iraq himself. “Iraq was an eye-opener for me,” Smyth recalls.

“I’ve visited nearly 100 countries, and I can genuinely say the people in Iraq were the friendliest and most welcoming. They were so happy to see Westerners visiting their country, not to invade or take their artifacts, but to appreciate their cul.