MADISON, Wis. , Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On Monday, August 5, WEA Member Benefits Foundation, Inc.

held its highly anticipated second annual golf outing fundraiser, which brought together community leaders, educators, and supporters to raise funds for school-based mental health programs across Wisconsin . Thanks to the generous contributions of participants and sponsors, the event was a resounding success. Gross revenue totaled $50,000 , 36% more than from last year's inaugural event.

Using funds raised from the 2024 golf outing, coupled with the additional funds raised this year, the Foundation has set the goal of adding four to five new districts to the funding program by the end of 2024. This expansion will enable the Foundation to provide grants for vital mental health resources to more students, ensuring they receive the support they need to succeed academically and personally. In addition to providing unrestricted grants, the Foundation provides participating districts with customized guidance to approach local funders for additional support.

This process and model have helped the current nine participating districts secure more than $1 million in additional funding to date. "Our mission has always been to support the well-being of students and educators in Wisconsin ," said Steve Goldberg , Executive Director of WEA Member Benefits Foundation. "With the funds raised from this year's golf outing, we are able to extend our impact even further, providing funding and .