My family visited the Amalfi Coast during the peak summer season, and it was hot and crowded. I was glad we didn't deal with the hassle of renting a car, and we had comfy shoes. When I planned my family's trip to Southern Italy — including a stop at the Amalfi Coast — for the end of July, I knew enough to expect it'd be hot and crowded.

July and August are some of the warmest months for the area, and it's famously a crowded tourist hot spot that can get expensive to visit throughout summer. I also saw many videos online of unprepared tourists lugging suitcases up cliffside steps in the heat and fighting for an inch of elbow room at famous sights throughout the region. But I'd always wanted to visit, and I had to work around my kids' school vacation schedules.

So off we went in peak season. Although we made many happy memories, we also encountered plenty of discomfort. Here are four things that helped make our trip better — and one thing I wouldn't do next time.

Regularly taking our food to go saved us money If you're ready to get off your feet and have the time to enjoy a restaurant experience, do it. But if you're just feeling peckish for a quick snack, eating it as you stroll can save you a few euros. That's because some restaurants tack on a coperto, or an additional cover fee for a dine-in experience — even if you're grabbing a quick coffee or gelato at a sidewalk table.

It doesn't seem like much, but the name of the game for budget-conscious travelers is saving a.