A CUSTOM fit suit from M&S. What words does that conjure in your mind? Smart, rare, special, occasions, expensive, ? You might think getting a custom fit suit will A) cost you a lot of money, and B) take time to get. Well M&S are trying to get round this by finally bringing their 'off the shelf custom-fit suit service' to their store at Culverhouse Cross.

Put it this way, you could walk in and within half and hour walk out with probably the best fitted suit you have ever worn. We went and tried the new service with expert fitters Ceri Evans and Tracey Butler who seamlessly (no puns intended) walked us through finally getting a suit that actually fits. The process was as simple as going to M&S and buying a suit, only with the added – luxury caveat shall we call it – of having the lovely Ceri and Tracey measuring you up in the changing rooms – don’t worry it’s not as scary as you think, just stand there put your arms out and let Ceri or Tracey take your measurements – and then you go back on the shop floor and pick what suit you want.

That’s exactly what I did, and what I’ll tell you is a properly fitted suit is not just smart – it’s comfy! (For the first time ever it didn’t feel like I was being strangled by my collar after five minutes of doing the top button). Customers can go online and book, or walk in. The whole process takes about 30 minutes and it’s perfect for individuals to groups going to every occasion from weddings to funerals.

You can choos.