The Cheesecake Factory menu is too big, right? I mean, I get it, , blah, blah, blah, but we can all agree that this menu has variety? Way too much. Every time I open the tome that is the Cheesecake Factory menu a moment of panic strikes my soul as I have to quickly scan through 250 dishes (not an exaggeration, the menu literally has more than 250 different options) and decide on which one I want to disappoint me. I say “disappoint,” not because I think the Cheesecake Factory isn’t good — it’s actually better than a lot of giant restaurant chains and everything is but because I can’t help but think of the dish I ordered instead once mine finally arrives.

Eating at the Cheesecake Factory is . You’re always going to wonder what might have been. So, in an effort to make the menu a bit more digestible, we’ve taken 35 of the most popular items, tasted them, and ranked them to make navigating the menu a bit easier.

35 might not like a lot when you consider the hundreds of options before you but we’ve pulled the most popular dishes from every category on the menu, including every single appetizer. One day we’ll get the whole 250 down the gullet for one mega-ranking, or, you know..

. we’ll die. Whatever happens first! PART I — Completely Skippable: I wish there was some sort of catch to this dish, but nope, this dish is exactly what it sounds like: balls of soft warm pretzel served with a salty cheddar cheese dip.

The pretzels aren’t exactly the most amazing s.