A couple splashed out $118K on a nine-month cruise around the world – after realizing “life’s too short.” Andrew Kenney, 27, and his wife, Ale, 29, set off on their epic cruise – calling at 150 ports in 65 countries – in December 2023. The couple decided to embark on the mammoth trip after both of their dads passed away – not wanting to wait until they retired to travel.

So far, the couple have visited Australia, France, Greenland and the Bahamas on their “once in a lifetime trip” and say they’ve made friends for life onboard. But the pair are not completely letting their hair down – Andrew has been doing freelance videography and Ale has been vlogging their journey. Ale, a pharmacy technician, from Panama City, Florida, US, said: “Both of our fathers passed away when they were very young and didn’t get to do much traveling.

“After my dad passed away we said we hoped we would get to travel when we retire. “But we thought that one of us might die before we get to travel so we decided to travel the world together.” Andrew, a videographer and photographer, added: “It has been an incredible experience.

“If we can go now then why shouldn’t we? “After we spoke to friends and family about it they said we should do it so here we are.” Ale’s dad, Lynn Ellenburg, passed away aged 57 in 2021 after a short illness and Andrew’s dad, Chris Kenney, then 30, died when he was two years old in 1999 After her dad’s death, Ale said she saw an adver.