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See here for our rules and tips on getting your letter published. We poor old Baby Boomers, we can’t get anything right. If we spend our money on cruises or travelling around Australia putting much needed money into rural economies we are selfishly spending the kids’ inheritance.

If we help our offspring with house purchases we are distorting the property market with the Bank of Mum and Dad and if we stay at home quietly watching old movies and gardening we are sad old wrinklies who should immediately downsize to a small box somewhere out of sight. April Baragwanath, Geelong They’re saving the economy, one bite at a time Instead of the constant subtle, and not so subtle, condemnation or criticism of Boomers for eating out (′′⁣ Boomers dining out as others eat into savings ′′⁣, 15/8), perhaps it could be considered that Boomers are saving small businesses from going bust by eating at restaurants or buying goods. In point of fact, we should praise Boomers who are trying to save the economy by knowingly spending when others cannot.

Don’t knock them for their small efforts. Robyn Westwood, Heidelberg Heights Political forces at root of inequality Born in the mid-1950s I guess that I’m tarred with the epithet ′′⁣Boomer′′′⁣⁣. The headline .