The council has said it is doing everything it can to continue tackling antisocial behaviour in the city including excessive drug and alcohol use. Brighton and Hove City Council held a community meeting in July for residents to share their views on drugs, alcohol, and anti-social behaviour in the city centre. The meeting at Hove Town Hall was arranged by local councillors to hear from residents and explore further joint working across the council, Sussex Police and partner organisations to help reduce the harm caused by drugs.

READ MORE: Man arrested after indecent exposure in residential area The event was attended by Councillor Andrei Czolak, policy lead for community safety, chief executive of the council Jess Gibbons and chief superintendent Rachel Carr from Sussex Police. A number of break-out table sessions were organised to allow residents to share their experiences and concerns about anti-social behaviour, community safety and drug harm. The most common fears raised were about drug-taking on the streets, litter, noise, threatening behaviour and rough sleeping.

The council established the Combatting Drugs Partnership in 2022 to develop a collaborative approach to deliver the city’s drugs and alcohol strategy. The partnership includes the police, probation, adults and young people’s treatments and recovery services, and council officers from public health , housing and community safety. The priorities are to disrupt the drug supply chain and improve recovery service.