A symbol of the 1980s and cinematic nostalgia, the DeLorean is making its comeback...

not as a relic but rather as a forward-thinking electric vehicle. Lynx Motors, a brand known for its dedication to reviving classic sports cars, has announced the launch of the DMC-EV. This modern reimagining of the iconic DeLorean DMC-12 combines the car’s legendary design with the latest in electric vehicle technology, offering a unique blend of retro appeal and futuristic innovation.

Designer: The exterior of the DMC-EV stays true to the original design by Giorgetto Giugiaro, with sleek lines that instantly evoke memories of the 1980s classic. However, Lynx Motors has made several updates to bring the car into the modern era. The most noticeable changes include LED lighting at the front and rear, as well as larger, transparent panels that give the car a more contemporary look.

The badging on the car has been updated to include both the Lynx and DMC-EV logos, signaling the car’s transition into the electric age. The vehicle also features larger wheels, and owners will have the option to customize the side skirts and bumpers, allowing for a personalized touch that departs from the stainless steel finish of the original DMC-12. The interior of the DMC-EV, however, has been completely overhauled to meet modern standards.

The centerpiece of the cabin is a large touchscreen display that spans the width of the dashboard, providing the driver with all the necessary information at a glance. Th.