Two social media influencers were left utterly shocked when their bill at a beach club in Ibiza turned out to be pricier than their flights to the island. Federica and Giuseppe, who go by My Trip to Naples (@ilmioviaggioanapoli) online, were flabbergasted upon receiving their receipt at the swanky Cala Bassa Beach Club on Sant Josep beach. They racked up a bill exceeding €400 (£344), with sunbeds alone costing €40 (£34), a whopping €160 (£137) splashed on champagne, and an additional €200 (£172) for gourmet snacks.

The seafood paella and Iberian ham proved to be particularly expensive items. The Italian influencers' TikTok video showcasing just what they spent has since gone viral, racking up 723,000 views and more than 10,000 likes. Despite their indulgence, the couple were taken aback by the total cost.

Giuseppe said at the end of the video: "Something is wrong here, because I paid more to be here for a few hours than on the flight to visit the island." The comments section was flooded with users sharing their astonishment at the prices. One user lamented: "Exaggerated prices everywhere, travelling now is a luxury.

" Another said "Thanks now I know where NOT to go." A third TikTok user said: "The same place 10 years ago cost no more than €50." While a fourth revealed how they had scrapped a planned visit to the beach, writing: "I had booked but left! Obscene! The sunbeds all without sun and to take a dip you have to step on 100 people!" Yet, there were some who.