Re: "Thai athletes' Olympic outfit stirs debate online", (BP, July 19). I never thought I'd laugh at the uniform designed for Thai athletes participating in the Paris Games. That's no design, it's a copy of the phra rajathan suit that we've seen on Thai bureaucrats for over 40 years.

Explanations from the PM didn't help. The Paris Olympics are no small venue especially when a country needs a big boost to spur the economy via its "soft power" to stimulate tourism. First, we need to offer an attractive and modern outfit.

Designs can make it more attractive (such as a khon mask). AI designs look great and athletes deserve an outfit that can be sewed up in time for the game. Thais do not expect our athletes to grab 20-30 medals but we want to enjoy seeing them in nice, modern uniforms fit for 2024, not those designed 40 years ago for official functions.

We want to showcase the fact we're part of today's world culture. J Xuto Re: "Fishy failures", (PostBag, July 20) & "Time to solve fish invasion", (Editorial, July 19). I'm puzzled by how Michael Setter's proposed solution to the invasion of blackchin tilapia would work.

No doubt it is possible to create a genetic variant of the blackchin which is incapable of reproducing, but then how do you produce large numbers of fingerlings? Even if there is a technology for this, what is the scenario when the sterile males of the new variant get chucked in with the already vast numbers of the invaders? Is Mr Setter suggesting that the new bo.