A portion of a street in Watts was named on Monday, Sept. 16, for longtime activist “Sweet” Alice Harris, celebrating her decades seeking to improve the lives of the community’s residents through her work in education, housing and social services. The 90-year-old Harris was joined by Los Angeles City Councilman Tim McOsker during a ceremony on Lou Dillon Avenue, near the eight homes she owns on the street where the social services organization she founded in 1967, Parents of Watts Working with Youths and Adults, is operated.

“Dedicating the street that has uplifted so many Watts residents as Sweet Alice Row is a fitting testament to her decades of work in this community,” McOsker said in a statement. “Lou Dillon Blvd., from 107th St.

to Santa Ana Blvd. N., will now be known as Sweet Alice Row, serving as a permanent reminder of her impact and the legacy she continues to build at 90 years young.

” The councilman added that Harris has always inspired him with her “unwavering commitment to uplifting everyone and her determination to never leave anyone behind.” “Before I even decided to run for office, I sought her wisdom, and she has been a guiding force ever since. Walking up to her porch and sitting beside her is a tradition shared by so many — from congressmembers and senators to mayors, supervisors, and council members,” McOsker said.

Harris is the executive director of the organization that encourages children to stay in school and always avoid drugs..