If you are a fan of The Lord of the Rings , you might recognize Katherine Jackson from her cameos starting at 4 years old in The Fellowship of the Rings . The daughter of Oscar-winners Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh , Jackson grew up in the family business, working all kinds of movie jobs. She waited until she was 28 to get behind the camera, and her directorial debut will premiere Sunday night at the Hollyshorts Film Festival .

Titled Attachment Theory , the 24-minute short film drama she wrote and directed is about an agoraphobic woman who comes to rely on an AI machine for delivery of her anti-anxiety medicine during a global pandemic. Motivated by the desire to receive a 5-star rating, the machine engages in aberrant behavior that becomes downright scary. “The film came to me during the pandemic when we were all isolating and we became more dependent on technology,” Jackson told Deadline.

“I watched a lot of people suffer with their mental health, anxiety, depression and agoraphobia. This was the worst case scenario of developing a dependency on that technology.” Jackson’s low budget style and subject matter is closer to the early films in the Jackson family canon than the ones in Middle Earth.

Short films like Attachment Theory often are done as proof of concept for feature transfers, but Jackson said she hasn’t quite cracked a longer version, and anyway she is already on to other things. “I see it as a calling card to make a low budget horror feature, and I .