Pushing himself to the limits of human endurance is something that apparently comes as natural to as using the TV remote does to the rest of us. And he’s at it again. The Spanish mountaineer and multiple champion, with countless Fastest Known Times (FKTs) for mountain ascents and descents (including the Matterhorn and ) and who already summited all 177 peaks over 3,000m in the Pyrenees in just eight days last year, is currently in the opening stages of his biggest challenge yet.

In partnership with outdoors gear brand Normal, Jornet is currently in the opening stages of what’s being called 'Alpine Connections' – a trek across the European mountain range via a route that takes in all 82 of its 4,000m+ peaks, and doing it by human-powered means alone - that's hiking, skiing, and cycling. Jornet started this epic trek in the Bernina range in eastern Switzerland on August 13. You can keep up with his latest adventure via regular 'episodes' posted on feed; we’ve embedded all the episodes so far here.

There are also loads of other pics and short clips on there too. Plus Jornet is posting his own updates on feed which are appearing a little more rapidly – he’s up to “Stage 6: Valais 2” already and reckons that he’s now up to 532km, 23 peaks and 32,857m of elevation gain. You can get even more detail stats about each stage via (if you’re signed up to Strava).

On their Normal say the project will, “explore his physical, technical, and mental limits.” You’re n.