Subscribe to our FREE Newsletter , or Telegram and WhatsApp channels for the latest stories and updates. A peculiar phenomenon has taken hold in Kota Kinabalu’s Gaya Street area. A closed Maybank branch, its vibrant yellow signboard still proudly on display, has become the backdrop of choice for countless tourist photos and social media posts.

But what about this seemingly ordinary spot has captivated so many? Tourists shared that the branch’s striking yellow hue has significantly influenced its sudden popularity . The colour’s vibrant, eye-catching nature also lends itself well to photographs, making it an ideal backdrop for those seeking to capture the perfect vacation snap. Interestingly, many visitors have also remarked on the calming effect of the yellow hue, noting that it evokes a sense of happiness and positivity.

In Chinese culture, yellow is often associated with prosperity, wealth, and good fortune – a belief that has undoubtedly contributed to the location’s appeal among Chinese tourists. The colour yellow, or “huang” in Mandarin, is considered to be “ong,” a term that encompasses all things good, lucky, and auspicious. Moreover, the presence of the lucky tiger head on the Maybank signboard has further contributed to the branch’s appeal.

In Chinese folklore, tigers are seen as powerful, brave, and majestic creatures , often associated with good luck and protection. Moreover, the branch’s unexpected popularity has created a sense of curiosity .