In a groundbreaking moment for South Africa and the African continent, Dr Fezile Mkhize has carved his name in history as the first South African, the first black winner, and the first African to be crowned Mister Supranational. The prestigious pageant, held in Poland, culminated in an unforgettable finale where Mkhize’s presence and performance captured the hearts of judges and viewers alike. “I just wanted to make sure that South Africa was happy and Africa was happy, so I put as much of myself into this.

I’m proudly a Zulu man and proudly a South African,” said Dr Mhikze after accepting his new crown on the global pageant stage this week. A passionate surgeon A trained medical doctor whose passion is surgery and a former Top Billing presenter known for his charisma and eloquence, Dr Mkhize seamlessly balanced his medical career with his passion for entertainment and advocacy. His journey to Mister Supranational 2024 began with a determination to challenge stereotypes and expand opportunities for representation on a global stage.

He’s previously entered Mr World five years ago. ALSO READ : Inside Lalela Mswane’s Vietnam trip Speaking of his win to Missosology on Facebook, he shared: “At that moment I was thinking about my aunt who passed as well as Wayne Stafford who’s the national director. He’d asked me to join for several years”.

Dr Mkhize said he wanted to create an initiative that was going to speak of the passing of his aunt and a cause. He praised.