A tiny kitten's attempt to walk with a wheelchair for the first time after a suspected horrific accident quickly melted hearts on social media. Kasara Morgan first noticed the kitten running down the sidewalk using all four legs on August 9. The next day, Morgan's dogs pulled her to a bush outside her Georgia home, where the same kitten was hiding.

Morgan told that she brought the dogs back inside and quickly returned to get the tiny baby before he ran away. However, she quickly realized he wouldn't get away as he did the day before. "When I found him, he was scooting away from me," she said.

"His back legs were paralyzed." Morgan immediately brought him inside for the weekend, caring for him until the vet's office opened on Monday because every other office within a 50-mile radius was closed. The suspected the kitten was paralyzed as a result of someone stomping on him.

There were no signs of a dog biting the kitten or broken bones that would reveal he had been hit by a car. Morgan's heart broke after learning such a terrible incident could happen in one day, since she had seen him freely roaming about less than 24 hours before. She knew it was the same kitten because of his white fur, Morgan said.

On a few occasions, she had spotted a mama cat and her kittens using her home's crawl spaces, and in that bunch there was only one white kitten. TikTok viewers quickly became invested in the kitten's story. He is now named, appropriately, Scoot.

Strangers wanted to help Morgan bec.